Grave Markers
There are many terms for a memorial and for all intents and purposes, those terms are pretty much interchangeable. Basically, there are only two types of materials that are commonly used in memorials, bronze and granite. The cost of markers are determined by what type of material is chosen, the size of the memorial, and the intricacy of the inscription. Creating an appropriate memorial for a loved one's grave should be as personalized and meaningful as possible. The type of memorial that can be used will depend upon the rules and regulations of the particular cemetery. Some cemeteries require that all memorials be flush bronze markers. Some cemeteries require only single beveled markers. Some cemeteries require that all memorials on a family lot be matching, which means that whatever type of marker that is placed on the lot first, will determine the type of all future markers that will eventually be placed on that lot.
The cost of a bronze memorial is rather expensive compared to a standard granite marker because the cost of bronze has sky rocketed over the past few years. There are only a small number of foundries around the country that make bronze memorials. Each memorial is made as an individual mold. Bronze markers can be made as either a single marker or a double marker, known as a companion marker that is designed for two people.
Bronze markers can be made with a flower vase if a person so chooses. Bronze markers can be placed on a granite base (not to be confused with the foundation) that has a two inch border around it. This feature helps to keep the grass from growing over the marker’s edges.

The price of a granite marker will be determined by the size of the memorial and the type or color of the granite. Probably the most common granite used today is a Barre gray marker. To be called Barre, it must come from the quarry in Barre, Vermont. There are other types of gray markers available. Each granite marker has unique veins in them and although we can match new memorials
with older ones, there will always be a slight, most often an unnoticeable difference in the grain. Some of the granites that have a dramatic grain that gives it its distinctive look are harder to match.

Monuments are larger memorials and usually require a minimum of two graves on which it is erected. Usually the largest a monument can be is four feet from the ground to the top of the monument. Almost all monuments are placed on a base that supports it on top of the foundation. Cemeteries have rules about monuments so a family needs to check those regulations before proceeding with having a monument designed.

Chesedv’Emet has expertise in the cemetery requirements as well as designing and creating memorials. Chesed v’Emet often provides memorials for families that have chosen other funeral providers for the funeral service. Please call us to discuss your particular needs.
Almost all cemeteries provide (at additional cost) a foundation for the grave marker. The foundation, which can either be poured concrete or a pre-formed mold. It is designed to keep the memorial level and to keep it from sinking. The cost of the cemetery foundation and installation will be added to the cost of the memorial and is paid directly to the cemetery. This fee must be paid before the cemetery will allow a memorial to be installed and in most instances before the memorial can even be delivered to the cemetery.